Expert Session on Kubernetes and Openshift
Amazing Session by the Expert of RedHat on Kubernetes and Openshift . Here I Learn About the Various Use case of Industry How Industries use Kubernetes and Openshift .
Some Key Point o the Session are :-
* Kubernetes and their benefits * container and containerization * Challenges of Kubernetes *Development * about virtualization and use cases * about virtual machine * about Redhat Openshift * about use of redhat Openshift * about docker.
1. Benefits of K8:-
- Reducing resource costs:
- Ease-of-use and portability:
- Scalability and modularity:
- Impressive heritage:
- Outstanding community and industry support:
- Rich feature set and application support:
- Ongoing development:
- It’s portable and 100% open source
Challenges of K8:-
deployment, hardening, operations.
Containers are operating systems in which we run those resources which we require and only those resources are installed and that’s why it is very less in size gets booted up in seconds unlike normal OS.
Containers are a type of software that can virtually package and isolate applications for deployment. … Its modern form is expressed in application containerization, such as Docker, and system containerization, such as LXC (Linux Containers). Bootup time of virtualization are very high than that of containerization. Container abstracts application from OS whereas virtual machines abstract OS from hardware.
Openshift is an opensource container application platform based on Kubernetes container orchestrator for the enterprise application development and deployment.
Features of openshift are:
- Pod auto scalling
- High availability
- IDE integration
- Serverless
Platform as a service help us to to test our application on a particular platform by providing us a medium through which we can run our application
S2I stands for source to image. When code changes are done in GitHub, by we hooks the new image is build , tagged and put in a registry from where it is further deployed in the k8s cluster.
Podman is a containerization tool only for linux it is same as docker but somewhat little bit advance than docker.